Detroit,Michigan's largest city, the world famous auto city. In 1760, the British gained the control of the region and resisted the attack of the indians in the war of Pontiac's War the three years after. In 1796, Detroit and the surrounding areas joined the United States. From 1805 to 1847 period, it is Michigan territory and state. Detroit built the city in 1815. It has a circular tower buildings - 73 layer of the Renaissance Tower, General Motors Building (47 layer), Veterans Memorial and a series of buildings, and the longest suspension bridge in the world. Detroit culture center, museum, art galleries, Henry Ford car museum and Wayne state university, east campus of the university of Michigan and other cultural and educational facilities and institutions. There are more than 1000 various church, called City of Churches.The tourist resort have Bell Island,a large comprehensive amusement parks and Palmer Park, Royal Oaks,one of the biggest zoo in America and old church.

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