Moran Entrance Station

East Entrance Of Grand Teton National Park.

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User Comments

janeth Olvera 2016-08-04

Kristin DeLooff 2016-06-22

This entrance to the Grand Teton National Park took absolutely forever to get in! We were rushing, to make it to our horseback riding reservation, and this gate was at a standstill. There are only 2 gates for people who need to buy park passes, and one dedicated for people already holding passes. The pass holder line was completely empty, but the pass buying lines were 4 cars deep, each! You'd think they'd hop out and wave over just one car, while they're clear, but no. We had to change into our riding clothes and shoes in the jam-packed car, so we wouldn't be late/miss our ride. We barely made it, but only because I called ahead from the gate to the activities desk & the agent called the corral to ask them to please wait for us. So thankful for their help!
Shtro Dmitriy 2016-06-10

Fast, and easy, they give you as much map as you want, for free :)
Eddie Crossen 2016-06-01

Took 30 minutes to get through. Needs expansion